If you have an adoring garden, a gardening 3D print might be just what you need to add some more pizazz to your space. The following three-dimensional designs can be bought, downloaded, or streamed for your 3D printer. Use these models to add more details to your garden and make the entire space even more appealing. Alternatively, you can design and 3D print your own garden accessory from scratch.
The Power of Gardening 3D Prints
With so many different colors of filament available, matching colors is a snap. For example, a planter printed in black will look great when accented with different colored plants.
A more specialized planter made in a different color will make it easier to identify which plant belongs where. A standalone label can be printed if you’d prefer to label your larger garden. If you’re looking for something unique, try a 3-D printed plant pot.
Climbing plants need support. You can find metal or wooden grid supports, but you may want to try a 3D printed version. If you want something more unique, you can even 3d print a plant stand that has an Arduino in it.
The Arduino can help you monitor soil humidity and change the color of your flower pot stand depending on its value. If you’re handy with electronics, you can try the ESP8266, which has networking capabilities and can log the values online or send fun emails.
A watering can made of a plastic bottle is another popular design. It screwed onto a 2L soda bottle, and even comes with instructions and STL files. This model is a great choice for kids who love gardening.
The hungerpirat made it, and it’s an excellent model to get started on. If you’re looking for a simple yet impressive gardening 3D print, this model should be perfect for you.
Lastly, PLA is an affordable material to 3D print from. It’s safe for use in a 3D printer, and most models can handle it easily. Many people use PLA to pot plants. It’s biodegradable and comes from renewable resources. It also won’t affect the environment, which is an important factor. And while this material may not be ideal for your garden, it’s a good choice for many purposes.